Room 204

Friday July 14, 2017 - 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm

Geek Therapy is about combining video games, science fiction, superheroes, comic books, and other "geeky" things into mental health.

Geek Therapy is about combining video games, science fiction, superheroes, comic books, and other "geeky" things into my work as a mental health counselor. I want to reach out to all the children, young adults, and all people who feel like they don't "fit in." As Spiderman tells us, “with great power comes great responsibility.” The greatest power is to be human. However, it comes with a price and that price is conquering our fears. Fears that make us worried about what others think, numb to everything, or stuck in a life we don’t want. This is your opportunity to find your Super Human.
