Room 303

Sunday July 16, 2017 - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

An open inclusive interactive discussion about spiritual elements across a variety of fandoms.

I'm a vendor at the booth "Faith & Fandom." Ive hosted panela of two varieties . I've written 4 books on Faith & geek culture and it's lead to me hosting panels at cons. I've hosted a panel of "finding God in geek culture" as a panel discussion of spiritual elements across a variety of fandoms and is an open inclusive interactive discussion. I've also hosted a "Geek Church" Or "Geek Chapel" which is more of a ted talk or discussion on a specific fandom or Faith element in pop culture. I've hosted both at shows with positive responses and involvement. Often times cons have me host them on Sunday mornings for people that might be otherwise involved in church or spiritual culture. Nothing presented is negative, judgemental, or critical, but focused on encouragement.
