RPG ::
Rated G :: Soon after arriving by train in Northumberland, the investigators are embroiled in a mysterious death at a local pub. But even once that is solved, mysterious events and the appearance of ghosts lead them to believe more is afoot. Classic 1920s Cthulhu
Game Experience Level
Game Society
Not part of a gaming society
Game Master
Dan Combs
Saturday July 14 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm | Wraith (Marriott Capital Ballroom 2) :: Table 5 |
A young terrified couple arrives in the town of Orestis, at the foot of the Verno Mountains, in...
1 Session(s)
You are the “bad” guys, of course it is all perspective. You have a legal (sort of, maybe)...
1 Session(s)
It has been several months since the doors opened and Paranormal Incorporated, East Division,...
1 Session(s)