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D&D Kids adventure

Roleplaying :: Dungeons & Dragons (5e)

Rated G :: This is a kids only D&D game (ages 9 to 12) This will be a short 2 hour, simplified version of the DnD rules. Its designed to provide a full experience for the kids age 9-12 that participated in the earlier painting classes. The goal is to provide a rounded view of one way miniatures are used, while providing some good fun and lasting memories for these kids. Kids who attended the either or both of two classes will be allowed to play this game. In each class, the kids will get minis to bring to the game. One for their PC, and one for one of the monsters. Example When the party enters a room with several orcs in there, the DM will ask the kids to put their orcs in the room, and then their characters will need to deal with said orcs.

Game Experience Level
Very basic rules.

Game Society
Not part of a gaming society

Game Master
david cecil

Locations and Times

Saturday August 31 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Arabian 1 & 2 (Tables 24-28) :: Table 28

Registration Information

Free Pre-Registration
intended for kids who participate in the painting classes, others may be allowed to join in if space is available.

Available Registration Slots: 6

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Current Registrations

  • Ray
  • Whodaa
  • Drakus
  • SkekTek
  • Abby

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