Roleplaying ::
Rated PG-13 :: There is no school like the old school! Late Night Swords and Wizardry with Frog God Games. Travel back to the dawn of the game where character generation took 2 minutes (which is good, because you die a lot!), there was no such thing as a spot check, dwarves and elves were classes, not just races, and a +1 sword was a wonder! You can roll up characters at the table. Rules (the very few that there are) will generally follow those in Swords and Wizardry White Box and Bill Webb's book of Dirty Tricks (available online at the Frog God Games website—and the rulebook pdf is free!). All character generation is 3d6 in order, although stats cap at +1/-1 on bonus and penalty, and are thus, mostly irrelevant.
Game Experience Level
Game Society
Other Game Society: Swords & Wizardry
Game Master
Bill Webb
Friday August 30 7:00 pm to 12:00 am | Arabian 1 & 2 (Tables 24-28) :: Table 24, Table 25, Table 26, Table 27 |
Built upon massive ancient cypress trees, the tiny town of Raven's Stand is nestled deep in the...
1 Session(s)
Levels 1-4 using Starfinder Society rules.
1 Session(s)
The monks of the Monastery of the Yellow Rose have long cloistered themselves in their home atop...
1 Session(s)