Rated PG-13 :: The Catacombs of Jordoba are part of the Swords & Wizardry Disorganized Play program, meaning that once you’ve got a character you keep them from game to game. Over the last ten years, hundreds of characters have explored the halls of the Catacombs, and many have left their bones moldering within. Others have reached name level and established strongholds in the Jordoba campaign, rich beyond belief from many successful expeditions. This is a no-mission dungeon crawl dedicated to gathering treasure (and XP) in the depths of the earth. You keep your XP and your equipment and level up if you play in later Disorganized Play games. The rules-system is Swords & Wizardry (a clone of Original 1974-1978 D&D). Play with Special Guest Matt Finch, the well-known “Uncle Matt” of Youtube and ENNIE-award winning author of the Tome of Adventure Design, Swords & Wizardry, OSRIC, and many other acclaimed books. Matt’s games are for those creating new characters to adventure on the dungeon’s upper levels. Returning players may not bring characters above 4th level.
Game Experience Level
Game Society
Other Game Society: Swords & Wizardry
Game Master
Matt Finch
Saturday August 31 10:00 am to 2:00 pm | Arabian 1 & 2 (Tables 24-28) :: Table 26, Table 25, Table 27 |
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