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Swords & Shaman of Sonnegard - The Beast of Murghadem

Roleplaying :: Other

Rated PG-13 :: Built upon massive ancient cypress trees, the tiny town of Raven's Stand is nestled deep in the swampy wilderness of Murghadem. It is here that one evening you find yourself talking with the local tavern keeper 'One Eye' regarding the massive skull adorning his door. He lets slip that the beast is rumored to have had a mate, and the local croc hunter, 'Old Teg' swears it's still out there somewhere. This is a rustic, frontier fantasy in the savage world of Sonnegard. Complete with prehistoric beasts, supersitious locals, tribal wild elves and a glowing swamp. Anyone is welcome to come and try our fantasy rpg 'Swords & Shaman of Sonnegard' This RPG is currently in beta test and anyone arriving will be greeted with pregenerated characters.

Game Experience Level

Game Society
Not part of a gaming society

Game Master
Brian McIntosh

Locations and Times

Thursday August 29 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm Stairs Foyer (Tables 1-4) :: Table 3

Registration Information

No Registration Required (walk up)
Free Pre-Registration

Available Registration Slots: 2

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Current Registrations

  • dasmaschine
  • Merc
  • Notsonoble

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