RPG :: Torg Eternity
Rated PG :: "This is a top priority mission override. An airship has been intermittently spotted drifting over the Yucatán Peninsula. We have reason to believe that this is a Nile incursion. Ascertain if Nile forces are in the Yucatán, and why they are interested into this Living Land controlled region, and then stop them. When done, it’s imperative that you report back to the nearest Delphi outpost or facility as soon as possible. End transmission.” This is a Delphi Council mission set in The Living Land. Pregenerated characters will be provided.
Game Experience Level
Pregenerated characters will be provided. No Experience with the Torg Eternity RPG required.
Game Society
Not part of a gaming society
Game Master
Matt Petruzzelli
Saturday July 13 9:00 am to 1:00 pm | Capital Room 2 :: Table 5 |
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