Browse all Games ReaperCon 2019 Gaming

DDEX03-07 Herald of the Moon

Roleplaying :: Dungeons & Dragons (5e)

Rated PG :: Elanil Elassidil, an elf bard of no small legacy, has put out a call for trustworthy agents. It is time, it seems, for a quietly hidden piece of elven history to become known to the world. Meira Faerenduil, lost knight of Myth Drannor, has been dis-covered, and must be brought back to civilization. A four-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters.

Game Experience Level
Tier 2

Game Society
D&D Adventurers League

Game Master
Ray Martinez

Locations and Times

Saturday August 31 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Equestrian Foyer (Tables 18-23) :: Table 20

Registration Information

Free Pre-Registration
Empty seats may be filled with walkups.

Available Registration Slots: 0

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Current Registrations

  • runneralien
  • DamitJimii
  • AirGumby
  • General Reagulus
  • Rook
  • Hydrapod
  • XaosTX

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