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CCC-NULL-01-01 Blood and Ruin (Author Run)

Roleplaying :: Dungeons & Dragons (5e)

Rated PG :: Calling a rare truce in their battles for the rule of the fortress city of Yulash, the cities of Hillsfar and Zhentil Keep put aside their differences when their war for supremacy is interrupted by a company of orcs with a demonic leader. Now, it is up to brave adventurers to capture this deadly fiend before she can instigate a second Rage of Demons! A 2-4 Hour Dungeon-Crawl Adventure for 11th-16th level characters.

Game Experience Level
Tier 3

Game Society
D&D Adventurers League

Game Master
Colby Savell

Locations and Times

Friday August 30 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm Triangle Foyer (Tables 13-17) :: Table 13

Registration Information

Free Pre-Registration
Empty seats may be filled with walkups.

Available Registration Slots: 0

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Current Registrations

  • Fangface
  • Azneatdog
  • Rupert
  • Infernal Majesty
  • Dan H.
  • Dano
  • DaneMelain

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