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Roleplaying Game ::

Rated G :: “Hey… wanna R&J?” Is what you’ll be asking the stranger of your choice (or ours) before playing this intimate, five day, text based, AR-RPG based on Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet. Just as R&J meet, marry, feign death, and resolve an age old family feud over the course of five freakishly eventful days, you and your game partner(s) have five days to meet, establish intimacy, cut ties, and say your goodbyes, all while following daily prompts that correspond to the absurdly fast timeline of R&J. Is it experiential? Yup. Do you need to know anything about Shakespeare? Nope. Is it romantic? Maybe. Is it fun? F*ck yeah. Thus with a text we play… #rjgame

Game Experience Level

Game Society
Not part of a gaming society

Game Master
Jessica Creane

Locations and Times

Sunday July 9 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Banshee Room (Capital Ballroom 2) :: Table 4

Registration Information

No Registration Required (walk up)
Free Pre-Registration

Available Registration Slots: 8

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