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Whispers in the Deep/Knights of the Maggotcrown

Roleplaying :: Dungeons & Dragons (5e)

Rated PG-13 :: Whispers are carried on the midnight winds, an ancient power awakens and extending it’s shadowy coils across the land, engulfing all in its reech. Murkillor calls for the Time of Death and the Peace of the Grave. The Knights have heard the summons and strike out for the Wraithking’s ruined sanctuary but to what end? Rules taught as we play, all materials including pregenerated characters provided.

Game Experience Level

Game Society
Not part of a gaming society

Game Master
Joseph Wolf

Locations and Times

Sunday September 1 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Stairs Foyer (Tables 1-4) :: Table 1

Registration Information

No Registration Required (walk up)
Free Pre-Registration
No Registration

Available Registration Slots: 1

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Current Registrations

  • Mojoman
  • mvioletc
  • Kangaroorex
  • Thorbino
  • Pcktlnt

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