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CCC-SFBAY-02-01 Old Enemies Arise

Roleplaying :: Dungeons & Dragons (5e)

Rated PG :: The alliance between Thay and Mulmaster is stronger than ever, and this does not sit well with some of the neighboring countries; in fact, it appears that one of them is attacking caravans leaving Mulmaster and heading towards Thay. You have been asked by the Cloaks to investigate the attacks, discover who is behind them, and stop them if you can.

Game Experience Level
Tier 2

Game Society
D&D Adventurers League

Game Master
Spencer Lane

Locations and Times

Friday August 30 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm Equestrian Foyer (Tables 18-23) :: Table 18

Registration Information

Free Pre-Registration
Empty seats may be filled with walkups.

Available Registration Slots: 1

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Current Registrations

  • Michael Fredde
  • drufause
  • corbietalons
  • Ganryu Kojiro
  • Redjack
  • LadyJack

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