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Psalm VI:V

RPG ::

Rated R :: "The earth shall vein, bringing black serpents forth from within the earth." An earthquake has rocked the village of Hjärta Böja triggering a series of prophetic events that could mean the end of the world. It has fallen on the players to help pick up the pieces and put a stop to the machinations of those who would do the world harm. Play test Psalm VI:V, an upcoming Mörk Borg hex crawl module. We will run this late-night game Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights from 8pm-12am and each session be a West Marches style session that opens new parts of the map and progresses the timeline of the campaign. So, sign up for all three or sign up for just one because each session will be different.

Game Experience Level
If you know how to play D&D or Pathfinder you will pick up the rules very easily. We will teach the game and provide a rules cheat sheet.

Game Society
Not part of a gaming society

Game Master
Scott Andreu

Locations and Times

Saturday September 4 8:00 pm to 12:00 am RPG Tables :: RPG Table 4

Registration Information

Free Pre-Registration

Available Registration Slots: 4

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Current Registrations

  • Bigfoot
  • Roy

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