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Cold Hearted Killer, An Icewind Dale Mystery

RPG :: Dungeons & Dragpons 5th Edition

Rated R :: As if it were not enough that Icewind Dale has been suffering from perpetual Twilight for the past two years, now the Ten Towns shiver in fear of the unknown, unseen killer whose calling card is the frozen corpse of the victims holding their own, frozen heart. Hlin Trollsbane, seeking vengeance for her brother - the latest victim- has enlisted your aid to bring the Cold Hearted Killer to justice. Will you be able to solve this mystery and end the spree of murder, or end up another frigid corpse in the unforgiving tundra in the Frozen North? ...Oh, and did Hlin forget to mention that this is a copy-cat murderer?... Good Luck adventurer...

Game Experience Level
Level 4, standard array or point buy, average HP. Starting package or starting gold. May select 6 Common Magic Items, 4 Uncommon Magic Items, and 1 Rare Magic Item (but cannot claim their market gold value).

Game Society
Not part of a gaming society

Game Master
Kevin O'Connell

Locations and Times

Friday September 3 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm DnD Adventurers League Tables :: DnD League Table 9

Registration Information

Free Pre-Registration

Available Registration Slots: 4

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