Virtual : Gaming :: Dungeons & Dragpons 5th Edition
Rated PG :: A four-hour epic adventure for 1st-level characters. You are approached by Alanik Ray, a master investigator working on behalf of a secret society. Seeking agents to aid in the search for a missing scholar, he asks that you attend the Grand Masquerade—a great ball in the city of Port-à-Lucine. Hope you brought your dancing shoes! CONTENT WARNING: Possession, insomnia, oppressive aristocracy, forced impersonation, anxiety of living a lie, abduction
Game Experience Level
This game uses characters in the AL Mist Hunters campaign -
Game Society
DnD Adventurers League
Game Master
Jenny Hale
Thursday September 2 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm | Virtual Access :: Virtual Session |
Grab your pencils, and lose your mind!
I've made a dungeon, Morty. Well, it's more than a...
1 Session(s)
Hot Springs Island is a high fantasy sandbox adventure setting that can be used with any table...
1 Session(s)
A 5E Dragonlance game. In a tavern in the city of Palanthas, a kender is making some wild claims...
1 Session(s)