Appearing Fri,Sat,Sun
In 2012, Jennifer founded one of London’s leading tech conferences, the Innotech Network which specialised in a series of events around information...
Appearing Sat
Lindsey Beer is the showrunner and creator of Netflix’s upcoming series The Magic Order, directed by James Wan and based on the comics by Mark Mill...
Dr. Penelope Boston is Director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute (NASA Ames Research Center, CA). From 2002-2016, she served as Associate Direct...
Vincent Brisebois recently joined the NVIDIA automotive team after two years as senior product marketing manager for DesignWorks and VRWorks at NVI...
● Dr. Yvonne Cagle (astronaut) - Dr. Yvonne Cagle is a NASA Astronaut and Family Physician. In 2008, Dr. Cagle retired as a Colonel in the USAF whe...
Appearing Sat
Jennifer Rose Clasen was born and raised in the mountains of Aspen, Colorado. She started her journey in her early 20s, backpacking and volunteerin...
Michelle Ehrman is the former Creative Producer and Managing Director of Hanson Robotics Human Robot Experience. She has and continues to work clos...
Dr. Susan Finkbeiner is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Chicago, and will begin a visiting assistant professor position at Pepperdin...
Sheera Frenkel covers cybersecurity for the New York Times from San Francisco. Previously, she spent over a decade in the Middle East as a foreign...
Eva Galperin DIRECTOR OF CYBERSECURITY Eva Galperin is EFF's Director of Cybersecurity and head of EFF's Threat Lab. Prior to 2007, when she ...
A scientist and screenwriter, Jose works with the Institute of Quantum Information & Matter to promote scientific outreach through story. As a scre...
Appearing Sat
Chris Hadfield Astronaut | First Canadian Commander of the International Space Station (2013) Referred to as “the most famous astronaut sinc...
Dana is a mohawked marathoner, film fanatic, and interviewer of interesting individuals. She is a graduate of NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts with a...
With over 30 years at Industrial Light + Magic, Electronic Arts, Disney’s ImageMovers Digital, and Pixar, Euan Macdonald has been at the cusp of 3D...
Dr. Spyridon (Spiros) Michalakis is a mathematical physicist at Caltech's Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM), where he splits his ...
Kamal's love of Movies, Art, Design and Animation led him to Pixar where he worked as an artist for 7 years on films such as Finding Nemo, Incredib...
Appearing Sat,Sun
Jason Momoa is one of Hollywood’s exciting up-and-coming leading men. Momoa recently starred as the iconic superhero Aquaman in Justice League and...
Marshall Mosher, from Atlanta, Georgia, is a 2015 graduate of the University of Georgia where he completed a triple major in Biology, Psychology, ...
Jon came to the game business in 1996 as an intern with DreamWorks Interactive. At the time, he was working toward his MFA in Screenwriting at USC....
Dubbed as the “Real-Life Susan Calvin” by Isaac Asimov in 1989, Joanne Pransky, the World’s First Robotic Psychiatrist® is a renowned robotics expe...
Appearing Sat,Sun
Best known for Savage Builds, MythBusters and
Darshan Shankar is the CEO and founder of Bigscreen, a leading Virtual Reality company with over 1 million users and $14 million in venture capital...
Evelyn Shaw is Chief of Staff at Penrose Studios, where she dedicates her concentration on operations, production, and strategy across the company....
John Roma (J.R.) Skok, Ph.D. is a planetary scientist working as Research Scientist at the SETI Institute, is Chief Science Officer at the Silicon ...
Appearing Sat
Still Photographer known for “Hidden Figures,” “Modern Family” Member Society of Motion Picture Still Photographers Winner 2012 Publicists Guil...
Parisa Tabriz is a Senior Director of Engineering at Google, currently responsible for building the Chrome browser and keeping its 2+ billion activ...
Edward Tang is the visionary and founder behind Avegant, a next-generation mixed reality display company. Avegant has developed award-winning Reti...
Appearing Fri,Sat
GARY WHITTA is a screenwriter and author best known as co-writer of ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY. He also wrote the post-apocalyptic thriller THE B...
Appearing Sat
Legendary game designer and creator of The Sims, SimCity and Spore
Dr. Kitty Yeung physicist and artist, best known for her work on tech and fashion integration Dr. Kitty Yeung is a physicist, artist, maker, fa...